Seva Canada restores sight and prevents blindness in developing countries. Seva works with local partners to create sustainable eye care programs for those most in need - women, children and people living in extreme poverty and isolation. Since 1982, Seva donors have given the power of sight to over 5 million people through life-changing surgeries and provided eye care services to millions more. Registered charity # 13072 4941 RR0001
Seva Canada Society serves in the Charity sector. Seva Canada Society firm is at 2000 W 12th Ave #100, Vancouver, BC V6J 2G2, Canada address. You can find Seva Canada Society's phone number and directions on our website.
Where is Seva Canada Society? It is located at Seva Canada Society 2000 W 12th Ave #100, Vancouver, BC V6J 2G2, Canada. You can get directions for Seva Canada Society, who is in the Charity category. You can find up-to-date information on 2000 W 12th Ave #100, Vancouver, BC V6J 2G2, Canada Charity companies on our website.
You can go on foot or by car to Seva Canada Society firm, which provides service in the Charity sector. How to get to Seva Canada Society company? For the most up-to-date and short-cut directions, you can get directions to the 2000 W 12th Ave #100, Vancouver, BC V6J 2G2, Canada address on our website.